

Halloween Holidays


There’s always something going on at the Barn

Lady de Barneville’s ghost

The thrill of Halloween
October 28th (free) – Adult only
Inscription obligatoire

Activités nocturnes au Barn Hotel

Just a few days before Halloween, Le Barn seems to be the scene of a strange phenomenon.
The ghost of Lady de Barneville, the former owner of the land who was killed hundreds of years ago, has come to haunt the hotel.

On Saturday, October 28th, the evening of a full moon, the bravest adults will have to go deep into the forest to find out what’s going on and put an end to this terrifying nightmare!
From the moment they take their first steps into the darkness, the excitement will be mingled with chills. Frightening noises, a crazed woodcutter, chilling screams… Participants will have to keep their cool, while remaining daring in the face of the obstacles they encounter.

Back at the hotel, the first intrepid soul to solve the riddle will win a night at Le Barn. The ultimate reward after braving the mysteries of this terrifying evening. 

BEEKEEPING WORKSHOP at the Ferme des Clos

Saturdays, October 21st and 28th


  • Presentation of the beekeeping profession
  • Opening a hive
  • Product tasting (honey, pollen and royal jelly)

Meet us at 9.45am at the Ferme des Clos visitor parking lot
Chemin des Clos, 78830, Bonnelles

Registration required
35€/pers (free for children under 12 years old)

Atelier Apiculture au Barn Hotel
Atelier photo argentique ua Barn Hotel

ANALOG WORKSHOP – Red lights for black & white

October 29th (free)

This is Le Barn’s 74th room, and it’s a darkroom, open to all photo lovers and those who dream of getting into photography.
1h30 Workshop – Introduction to silver halide printing

Come to the Barn with your negatives in your suitcase and develop them with Fred Goyeau, while learning how to handle enlarger, feeder, contrast filters, make-up and chemistries.

Vegetables Garden workshop

For kids
October 31st and November 2nd & 4th (free)

As fall arrives, the Barn turns the spotlight on its kitchen garden, nestling at the entrance to the forest. The vegetable garden is a place of life and passage that we want to maintain and pamper. While the parents cuddle in the bedroom, the little barners get their hands dirty in the vegetable garden.


  • Discovering all the areas of the vegetable garden (greenhouse, seedbeds, etc.)
  • Planting seedlings and herbs
  • Elbow grease maintenance of existing crops and harvesting of the moment.

Registration required 7 children maximum
Children aged 3 to 5 must be accompanied by an adult.

Initiation maraîchage

Saturday, October 21st

9h45-12h Beekeeping workshop – at the Ferme des Clos
Registration required
10h00-11h00 Dynamic muscular awakening
14h30-15h30 Archery (KIDS)
16h30 Goûter
17h00-18h00 Chesnut harvest
17h00-18h00 Hatha Yoga – Autumn practice
18h15-19h15 Hatha Yoga – Releasing tension
18h30-19h30 Bingo Bingo
19h30-22h30 Children’s evening

Sunday, October 22nd

10h00-11h00 Archery
10h00-11h30 Hatha Yoga – Grounding and mobilizing to release energy
11h30-12h30 Cardio training
14h30-15h30 Digestive bike ride
16h30 Goûter

Faire du vélo au Barn Hotel
Déjeuner au Barn Hotel

Saturday, October 28th

9h45-12h Beekeeping workshop – at the Ferme des Clos
Registration required
10h00-11h00 Muscular awakening
14h30-15h30 Special ghost treasure hunt (KIDS)
16h30 Goûter
16h30-17h30 Family Board Games – special Halloween
17h00-18h00 Hatha Yoga – Refocusing
17h45-18h30 Bingo Bingo
18h15-19h15 Hatha Yoga – Releasing tension
18h30-19h15 Trick or treat – candy hunt (KIDS)
20h00-22h30 Children’s Halloween party
Starting at 21h00 Lady de Barneville’s ghost (Adult only)
Registration required

Sunday, October 29th

10h00-11h00 Bike ride
10h00 Photo Lab – analog – with Frédéric Goyeau
10h00-11h30 Hatha Yoga – Energizing and rejuvenating practice
11h30-12h30 Mysterious pot
14h30-15h30 Darts tournament
16h30 Goûter

Monday, October 30th

16h30 Goûter
17h00-18h00 Hatha Yoga – Greeting the sun and strengthening the body
18h15-19h15 Yin Yoga: Gentle Yoga

Tuesday, October 31st

10h00-11h00 Muscular awakening
10h00-12h00 Vegetables garden workshop (KIDS)
14h30-15h30 Ghost hunt
16h30 Goûter
17h00-18h00 Mysterious pot
17h00-18h00 Hatha Yoga – Awakening the body
18h15-19h15 Hatha Yoga – Open up for better breathing
18h30-19h30 Bingo Bingo
21h00-22h30 Halloween evening (Adult only)

Wednesday, November 1st

10h00-11h00 Dynamic muscular awakening
14h30-15h30 Ping-Pong tournament
16h30 Goûter
17h00-18h00 Cardio training
17h00-18h00 Yoga
18h15-19h15 Yoga

Pause café au Barn Hotel
Forêt au Barn Hotel

Thursday, November 2nd

10h00-11h00 Archery (KIDS)
10h00-12h00 Vegetables Garden workshop (KIDS) reservation required
14h30-15h30 Darts tournament
16h30-17h30 Autumn walk in the forest
16h30 Pastry decorating workshop (KIDS)
17h00-18h00 Hatha Yoga – Strengthening and softening
18h15-19h15 Yin Yoga – Release tension

Friday, November 3rd

10h00-11h00 Bike ride
14h30-15h30 Croquet
16h30 Goûter
16h30-17h30 Cardio training
17H00-18h00 Yoga
18h00-19h00 Bingo Bingo
18h15-19h15 Yoga

Saturday, November 4th

10h00-11h00 Muscular awakening
10h00-12h00 Vegetables Garden workshop (KIDS) reservation required
14h30-15h30 Chesnut harvest
16h30 Goûter
17h00-18h00 Family Board Games
17h00-18h00 Hatha Yoga – Opening the heart
18h15-19h15 Yin Yoga – Improving energy flow
18h30-19h30 Bingo Bingo
19h30-22h30 Children’s Halloween party

Sunday, November 5th

10h00-11h00 Archery
10h00-11h15 Yoga
11h30-12h30 Bike ride
14h30-15h30 Autumn walk in the forest
16h30 Goûter

Diner au Barn Hotel

Moulin de Brétigny, 78 830 Bonnelles​

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